New Gallery - Joshua Tree National Park

I hadn't taken a photography and hiking trip to a National Park in a couple years due to a very busy schedule.  But in late November I visited Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California.  The park is on the boundary of two of the four deserts in the US - the higher elevation Mojave desert and the lower elevation Sonoran desert.  We spent most of our time in the higher elevation Mojave desert where there is more annual rainfall and more interesting plant life and terrain.  This part of the park is where you find the Joshua Tree and the Wonderland of Rocks.  Hiking at nearly 5000 feet for ten hours a day from sun-up to sun-down certainly took a toll!

Mornings before sunrise were as cold as 28 degrees and by 10am it would warm into the fifties.  By the afternoon the temperature would get into the low seventies.  The first day we had great cloud formations in the skies.  The next three days though, we had nothing but clear blue skies.

People think of deserts as a barren place, but Joshua Tree was anything but empty.  As you will see in the gallery, there was a lot of color, many different types of plants, and great rock formations.  And while the Joshua Tree is the signature plant of the park, I found the rock formations and the hikes through canyons to be the most enjoyable.

Click on the link to view the gallery...  Link to Joshua Tree National Park Gallery.  

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