Summer on the Unami

It's back to the Unami Creek again.  This is the fourth blog post in three different seasons for this small creek ten minutes away from my home.  You won't find the Unami Creek on any list of National Parks or even State Parks - but this small creek with the large boulders and sycamore lined banks is a great place to explore and spend an afternoon.  I can't wait to do some fall hiking and photography on the creek.

One Saturday earlier this summer, Gina and I packed a lunch and went to the Unami.  We hiked out onto a flat boulder in the middle of the creek and enjoyed our lunch, the sounds of the flowing water, and the view.  A couple weeks later we took a blanket and a book, found a different giant rock, and spent two hours reading on the stream.

A week later my friend Rich came for a visit.  After a bike ride and three hours of kayaking, we hiked the Unami Creek.  We had to climb large rocks, jump from one boulder to another, and backtrack to get from one side of the stream to the other.  We climbed, sat and enjoyed the sounds, took pictures, and hiked some more.  We hiked the rocks up the stream for three hours and what seemed like miles.  Imagine our surprise when we walked back along the road to the car and it took only 7 minutes!

The creek has turned into a local favorite place for me and it proves you can see something different in the same place every time you visit.  Enjoy!

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